4 Ways We Can Help You With Your Small Business Taxes

4 Ways We Can Help You With Your Small Business Taxes

Running a small business is no small feat and small business owners often need help from certified accountants to ensure their books are in order. If you are running a small business in Jacksonville, Florida, George A. Spencer can help. We provide quality tax services to small business owners in Florida so you can focus solely on running your business. In today’s post, we will go over some of the tax services we offer to small business owners. Read on to learn more and get tax help for your small business today!

Taxes Sign Surrounded By Cash


You need detailed bookkeeping services to ensure your business is running smoothly. Quality bookkeeping makes your tax planning, preparation, and filing much easier and ensures the accuracy of your taxes. The bookkeeping services George A. Spencer offers to small businesses allow you to stress less about your taxes and focus on what’s most important: running your business.

Tax Time Post It On Tax Forms

Sales Tax Services

If you want to avoid penalties come tax time, you need good sales tax services to ensure you are in compliance with your municipal, county, and state laws. George A. Spencer believes our sales tax services are among the most important tax services we offer. Our professionals are always up-to-date on the most important tax codes and can ensure you are always in compliance with the law.

Person Doing Taxes

Accounting Audits

If the numbers in your books are not making sense, you may benefit from accounting audits. It’s very easy to get off track when you are managing your own accounting. George A. Spencer specializes in accounting audits to help you avoid sort and long-term problems. If you suspect something has gone awry in your books, get in touch with us today!

Tax Forms

Payroll Services

Managing payroll on top of everything else that goes into running your Jacksonville small business can be overwhelming. Fortunately, George A. Spencer can manage employee payroll for you. Payroll can be an increasingly complicated task the more employees you have and the more benefits you offer. Take the stress out of payroll by allowing us to deal with it for you.

At George A. Spencer, we value small business owners. We know how hard you work to keep your business running. Allow us to help you manage your taxes so you can focus on what matters most. If you are looking for tax services in Jacksonville, Florida, get help with George A. Spencer today!